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Agile Project Management (AgilePM) is a widely recognized framework that combines the principles of Agile methodologies with the structured approach of project management. It was introduced in 2010 and has since become a leading framework for managing projects across various industries. AgilePM is designed to offer flexibility, rapid delivery, and adaptability while maintaining the rigor and visibility required for effective project management.

Key Principles and Philosophy

AgilePM is built on the philosophy of delivering business value quickly, on time, and within budget. The framework emphasizes the following principles:

  1. Customer Satisfaction: Ensuring that the end product meets the needs and expectations of the customer.
  2. Embracing Change: Being open to changes in requirements, even late in the project lifecycle.
  3. Frequent Delivery: Delivering working increments of the product frequently, typically every few weeks.
  4. Collaboration: Promoting close, daily cooperation between business stakeholders and developers.
  5. Motivated Teams: Building projects around motivated individuals and providing them with the support they need.
  6. Face-to-Face Communication: Using face-to-face communication as the most efficient and effective method of conveying information.
  7. Working Software: Prioritizing working software as the primary measure of progress.
  8. Sustainable Development: Maintaining a constant pace of development that can be sustained indefinitely.
  9. Technical Excellence: Focusing on technical excellence and good design to enhance agility.
  10. Simplicity: Maximizing the amount of work not done, which is essential for simplicity.
  11. Self-Organizing Teams: Encouraging teams to self-organize around the work.
  12. Regular Reflection: Reflecting on how to become more effective and adjusting behavior accordingly.


AgilePM integrates the Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) with Agile principles to create a practical and repeatable methodology. This approach balances the need for standards, rigor, and visibility with the fast-paced, change-oriented nature of Agile.

Lifecycle and Processes

The AgilePM lifecycle includes several phases:

  1. Feasibility: Assessing whether the project is viable and worth pursuing.
  2. Foundations: Establishing a solid foundation for the project, including understanding requirements and setting up the project environment.
  3. Exploration: Developing a deeper understanding of the requirements and starting the iterative development process.
  4. Engineering: Building and testing the solution in iterations.
  5. Deployment: Delivering the final product to the customer and ensuring it meets their needs.

Roles and Responsibilities

AgilePM defines specific roles and responsibilities to ensure effective project management:

  • Project Manager: Oversees the project, ensuring it stays on track and meets its objectives.
  • Business Sponsor: Provides the necessary funding and support for the project.
  • Business Visionary: Defines the vision and ensures the project aligns with business goals.
  • Technical Coordinator: Ensures the technical integrity of the project.
  • Team Leader: Manages the day-to-day activities of the development team.
  • Business Analyst: Works with stakeholders to gather and clarify requirements.
  • Solution Developer: Develops the solution based on the requirements.
  • Solution Tester: Tests the solution to ensure it meets the required standards.


AgilePM offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Increased Flexibility and Adaptability: Teams can manage shifting priorities more effectively and respond to changes quickly[3][5].
  • Greater Efficiency: Encourages a collaborative culture with clear roles and responsibilities, leading to faster and more efficient project delivery.[1]
  • Improved Quality: Continuous testing and regular feedback loops ensure high-quality end results[1][5].
  • Enhanced Customer Involvement: Frequent communication and feedback from customers ensure the final product meets their needs and expectations[5].
  • Higher Success Rates: Focused efforts and iterative development lead to higher success rates for projects[3].


AgilePM certification is available at two levels: Foundation and Practitioner. The Foundation level introduces the DSDM Agile Project Management framework, while the Practitioner level focuses on applying the framework effectively in real-world scenarios[2].


AgilePM is a robust and flexible framework that combines the best of Agile methodologies with structured project management practices. It is suitable for a wide range of projects and industries, offering significant benefits in terms of flexibility, efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction. By adopting AgilePM, organizations can enhance their project management capabilities and achieve better outcomes.




















